部別 : 日間部四技九十七學年度第一學期 列印日期 : 2024/04/20
科目名稱 : 基礎福祉科技實習  Life Care Community Management開課班級 : 日四技自三甲學  分 : 3.0授課時數 : 3.0
授課教師 : 李恩冠   
1.輔助科技隨時代的進步日新月異,本課程將簡要介紹及探討醫療輔助儀器、輔助科技及各類輔具。介紹臨床醫療上常見的檢查設備,其相關輔助科技的設計原理及其運用方式,以增加同學對醫療用輔具與生活輔具的認識與瞭解。 2.在先進國家中,建築物的設備與設施其使用方便性,日益受到重視,尤其對於公共建築的利用,乃是每個人應該享有的基本權利,它亦成為一個國家對於人權重視程度的重要指標。一般健康正常的人,並不確切地瞭解高齡者或身體活動不方便者的行為狀況;例如,盲人的記憶中並無事物的影像,他們對於環境的認識主要是靠物與物之間的距離與時間長短去記憶及辨識,對於生活空間以外的環境,可以說都充滿了不確定性與陌生。年老、高齡是毎一個人都必須面對的課題,有關於高齡者對生活環境的需求與設計等課題,攸關著您我未來的幸福;本課程即介紹有關高齡及行動障礙者對無障礙空間需求等相關問題,期引領您我提早認識我們的未來,並爲舒適的生活環境作準備。 3.了解銀髮族的休閒生活,提供適當休閒活動,探討銀髮族休閒需求,建立良好銀髮族休閒服務機制  
1.The assistive technology is in progress and is changed so quickly by time. The program introduces and learns how to make use of the medical assistive instruments, how to design the aids, and how to apply kinds of assistive aids that the old people use. Let students recognize the medical assistive technology, and assistive aids in life. 2.At advanced countries, the equipment and facilities of the building it uses the convenience, increasingly being subjected to the value, particularly for the exploitation of the public building, is the basic right that everyone should possess, it also becomes a nation to value the important index sign of the degree to human rights. Normal person generally and healthily, don't tangibly understand the behavior condition of the advanced age or the body activity inconvenient; For example, in the memory of the blind man without the image of the thing, the their understanding toward environment mainly is the distance and time length that depend on the of thing and thing to remember and recognize, for living space outside of environment, can say that all be filled with the indetermination with unfamiliar. The year is old,advanced age BE?The topic that a person has to face, concerning the topics such as need and design etc. of the advanced age to living environment, have relation to your my future happiness;This curriculum namely the introduction is relevant advanced age and action obstacle expect to guide you towards waiting for the related problem without the obstacle space need,, I know our future in advance, and? The comfortable life environment makes the preparation. 3.Understood the elderly leisure life, provides the suitable leisure activity, the discussion elderly leisure demand, establishes the good elderly leisure service.
1.輔助科技的基本概念及相關法令介紹。 2.高齡者居家生活空間的規劃設計與運用 3.從健康、居住、社會網路、休閒活動、年齡、生活領域了解銀髮族,研讀生活型態與意義,發展台灣銀髮族休閒生活模式. 4.透過高齡人因工程知識之教授與應用相關知識於高齡者照護、相關福祉與輔具設計。  
1.To introduce the assistive technology's basic concepts ,classification and the laws in Taiwan. 2.The programming design and usage of the daily life at home space for elder. 3.From the health, the housing, the social network, the leisure activity, the age, the life domain understanding elderly people, study on life type and the significance, develops the Taiwan's elderly people leisure mode of life. 4.Through the lecture presentation and discussions, sharing the knowledge and relevant applications about the design of assistive device technology, barrier-free environment, and gerontechnology for older adults.
1書名 : 基礎福祉科技實習基本實驗單元教材 
作者 : 李恩冠等 出版社 : 南開技術學院 
1書名 : 輔具評估專業技術手冊 
作者 : 吳英黛 出版社 : 金名圖書有限公司 
2書名 : 醫療器材設備 
作者 :  出版社 : 吉仁新醫股份有限公司 
1網址 : http://repat.moi.gov.tw/ 
備註 : 內政部輔具資源中心
  1 2008/09/16-2008/09/22課程說明   
  2 2008/09/23-2008/09/29福祉產業前景概述   
  3 2008/09/30-2008/10/06人體動作分析   
  4 2008/10/07-2008/10/13人體生理參數量測   
  5 2008/10/14-2008/10/20福祉輔具概論   
  6 2008/10/21-2008/10/27互動式多媒體發展系統
  7 2008/10/28-2008/11/03醫療多功能病床實驗   
  8 2008/11/04-2008/11/10期中報告   
  9 2008/11/11-2008/11/17期中報告   
  10 2008/11/18-2008/11/24遠距照護系統實習
  11 2008/11/25-2008/12/01無線射頻與影像追蹤技術   
  12 2008/12/02-2008/12/08銀髮族產業發展   
  13 2008/12/09-2008/12/15無線網路定位系統應用於老人照護
  14 2008/12/16-2008/12/22銀髮族理財需求及行為調查   
  15 2008/12/23-2008/12/29銀髮族文化差異比較
  16 2008/12/30-2009/01/05銀髮族身心機能活化復健運動
  17 2009/01/06-2009/01/12期末報告   
  18 2009/01/13-2009/01/19期末報告